They are the most precious commodity. Even Warren Buffet has never regretted having bought diamonds because they are a good investment..
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We show you diamond market to allow you to buy or sell your diamonds, without any false promise of returns or earnings!
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Be aware before buying! Each action requires information and learning. Transparency is an obligation for all of us! Our first target is obtain informed and advised customers. Even if you buy to realize a jewel…
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Our opinions and advices are based on our experiences and the observation of the past. Here, nothing is designed to lead you to believe that buying or selling a diamond might be the solution to preserve your savings, we do not offer any financial product or other solution with guaranteed gains and we suggest you to consult your own professional advisor before to buy or sell diamond.
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Our diamonds are certified by primary gemological laboratories, sealed in a patented secured box, laser engraved and guaranteed ethical according the UN Protocol – Kimberley Process Scheme.
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It is the commodity with the highest concentration of value compared to the volume.
There is an almost perfect mathematical correlation between consumers’ demography trends and their diamond jewellery expenditures.
Does an official price exist? Yes, the Rapaport Diamond Report is the official price on which to base trading.
To open a diamond mine it takes 10y. The average yield of a mine is 1 gram every 10 tons of rock extracted and only 20% of this gram can be used in jewelry.
Diamonds has revealed how the planet’s continents were formed thanks to a new study of the mineral deposits trapped inside diamonds.
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